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Prayer: Sweet Sleep

Sweet Sleep

Heavenly Father, I bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. I ask You to protect my dreams as I sleep.

Holy Spirit, I ask You to be in charge of all the processing, sorting and filing that takes place as I sleep.

I put my conscious mind and my sub-conscious mind under the blood of Jesus.

I ask You to heal every hurt and disappointment I have experienced today. I choose to forgive anyone and everyone who have hurt or let me down or offended me in any way consciously or sub-consciously.

I take all of tomorrow with its responsibilities, challenges and needs and roll it all over onto You, Father.

I ask You to hover over me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Spread Your wing over my home and appoint guarding angels to stand guard along the four sides of my property.

Satan, I cancel your schemes and plans for evil against me and my family. Every pit you have dug for us you will fall into. I put every curse you have planned for us back on your own head. I call in the protection and blessing of God my Father.

Now, according to Psalm 3:5 “I will lie down and sleep in peace, - for You alone will keep me safe. I claim Your promise of sweet sleep according to Proverbs 3:24 and Psalm 127:2. You give Your beloved rest.

Written by Pastor Edra Hays


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